Create new income
& impact in 2022
Get a clear execution plan and start executing in this 6-day practice-based session
13 - 18 December
5pm GMT
Early Bird: $49

Book your seat
Join this practical live session and leave with a developed roadmap for offering valuable products including: Consulting, Courses, Books, Coaching, etc
Who should attend
- Have a skill in an area that can be valuable to others as a service or a product
- Have experience doing something, getting a certain results that others can benefit from
- Have passion to make a difference and to share their knowledge with others
- Want to make more income leveraging expertise they already have
- Want to make more income leveraging expertise they already have
Why should you attend?
- Get the Clarity on how to better monetize your knowledge and experience
- Get the Coaching and mentorship by experts leveraging their expertise
- Get the Confidence to launch out and share your unique gift with the world
- Get the Community and support to help you stay accountable to your goals
What you will learn:
- How to refine your idea and understand your target client
- How to turn your refined idea, experience/expertise into valuable products
- How to define your business model and establish your pricing
- How to create a distinct brand for greater visibility
- How to launch, market and get traction
- How to put in place Systems and Structures for sustainability

Early Bird Pricing
Up till December 3, 2021
Standard Pricing
After December 3, 2021

- Smart Earner Workbook/Framework (Worth $29)
- 5+ verified ideas to launch a profitable side hustle ($19)
- Feedback on your roadmap and execution plan ($59)
- Private support group during the training and 1 week after ($59)
- Planbpreneur Action Guide (Worth $6)
- Compilation of tools and resources to help you execute ($39)
- Recordings of the Sessions ($49)
- Special Offers and support on Content Creation, Design and Branding from our partners
Special Feature:

Smart Earner Workbook with worksheets to structure your new venture

The Planbpreneur Action Guide: free with your workshop registration

Demi Oluwasina
Demi is an Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Learning Innovation Consultant. For several years, Demi has created products, brands and platforms monetizing his knowledge, skills and expertise. Some of his brands include: WengiDesign, Learnible and Planbpreneur among others. As an author, some of his books include Talkactive, Crushing Self Doubt and the Planbpreneur Action Guide . He has led and facilitated programmes for many Pan-African as well as global clients including Africa Business School, Alibaba Business School, US Embassy Rwanda, University of Nebraska, Lincoln and many more. He has led the creation of Entrepreneurship Education toolkit for a University and consults in Entrepreneurship Development and Education. He is a corporate trainer and transformational facilitator who speaks and writes across a variety of platforms.

Stella Ajige
Stella is highly passionate about entrepreneurship and advocating for sustainable green businesses. She recently had a stint as Senior Investment Analyst engaged in the investment promotion unit at the Nasarawa Investment and Development Agency, Nasarawa State. She is currently a cohort 4 fellow at the African Women Entrepreneurship Cooperative AWEC. She is the Co-Founder and current CEO at SKDC global links limited. She is also the Founder and Creative Director at J_ELL’s Fashion and Academy. She currently helps Startup Founders build a remarkable organizational culture that gets every member of a company’s team to produce premium value.

Andrew Herweg
Andrew is a former start-up operator turned consultant, investor and mentor. His career spans across three different continents, working with a range of companies from investing and coaching early stage start-ups in Sub-Saharan Africa to advising on growth strategies for Fortune 500 companies in the UK and United States. Career highlights include working on the Olympics & Paralympics in 2012 and creating a million dollar fund for early stage African businesses.


Demilade Oluwasina
Author: Crushing Self-Doubt, TalkActive
Faculty, African Leadership University